Night after night we move through our routine with the kids, super time, daddy time, bath time, story time, teeth time, bedtime, and then Mommy and Daddy time. Night after night we sit and watch T.V, sometimes we talk, sometimes we play video games like we are teenagers, sometimes we just call it a night and go to bed. This has become our routine. Men love the routine they love knowing what your are going to do, without that routine they would have not a clue what we are doing, thinking, or planning. Woman on the other hand might like the routine, but we have these things called emotions, once the routine sets in for us we start to think, "He doesn't even know I am here, he could do all this by himself without me and he wouldn't even notice that I wasn't here."
I thought this, I thought oh good I can sit here in the same room as him, do my blog work instead of waiting till we are in bed and writing in my journal. I thought what does it matter he is watching his show, and If he needs to talk to me I'm right here, he is an adult. I think he made it like 30 min into the show when the winning started. I could not help but think to myself, "Really the kids are in bed and here I have to deal with another one" I found myself thinking should I continue to Blog, or just stop to make sure I spent time with him.?
I think that us woman need to realize that men have a child like nature at heart. Its normal for them to want to watch their shows, play their video games, be in the middle of a conversation and keep leading it back to their bad day at work, and they need to do all this-just like a child- with you sitting right beside them. It might not be like this in your home, But I find in mine and lots of my friends homes, the men are just like The Man Child.
Basically they like to unwind by spending their time, much the same way as they did when they were boys, that's why they can't help but need us lots more then we think they do. Just like a child needs some one-on-one so does your man. Give you Hunny some time today, think of all the funny boy like things he enjoys doing, take a note from his page, enjoy yourself like your a child again.
I once read a book with a great saying that fits this good.
"Boys are competitive, like to play rough and do goofy things, they grow up to be Men who are competitive, like to play rough and do goofy things"
This started out as just a quick ride for the girls, Well you can see it ended in a competitive way. I once witnessed Gord race my 9 year old Nephew on their bikes. Gord was carrying a kids scooter on his back, and suddenly his foot slipped off the petal and he did a header over the handle bars. that stunt left him with road rash right across his face, and he was proud of
Like to play rough, and rough it was that night, both keep going until they hurt each others arms. crazy boys
Then the kids joined in and thought it great :)
Goofy things, we all think he looks goofy, but if you read his shirt closely it says, "This is what cool looks like"
I own like 3 pictures of Gord and I that are nice, I have a million pictures of us with him making goofy faces ;)
I always looked at it like having to raise an extra child, Men however look at it differently, they love YOU, want to watch T.V with just YOU, wants to play video games with YOU, want only YOU to vent to and make them feel better, and want to brag about their day with nobody but YOU.
I think I will still Blog, I will just make sure I get a good 30 mins in with him before I set to the computer for Blog time!
I Love you Hunny!
~My Man Child~
Quote of the Day:
A man's home may be his castle on the outside; inside, it is more often his nursery. ~Clare Booth Luce~
So I though about this all through out the day, and while watching my girls I began to ponder a interesting question.
Do you think we as woman every really grow up either? Can you remember back to when you were a little girl and all the stuff you loved to play with? Chances are you are remembering a lot of memories filled with, dress up, playing dolls, fake make up, cooking supper and tea parties, all the things we do now that we are older. I watched today and snapped pictures of all the things the girls were doing that I do now!
Addison loves changing the baby
she was actually singing while cleaing these dishes
and look at the consintration on her face while cooking!
Ella playing the airplane game while feeding her little girl
Girls love to play dress up to look like mom
And look how proud she looks with her kids on a walk
Girls can't wait to wear make up
They want to text with their friends already
they love to dream about the doggy or kitty they will get to take care of someday.
I wonder though is it that we have never really grown up in life, or is it maybe that we had our priorities straight at a very young
There is one difference I did notice about Men from woman and how our mood changes as we become older. I noticed that men love to do what they did as boys, they still love to get dirty and be dangerous, and usually you can find them doing this to try to unwind from their stressful day. We as woman do grow up and love running out households, but I don't think we often enough see it as unwinding. We complain about dishes were we used to sing while doing them, we never get dressed up as much as we should these days, and when we do its usually complaints about our hair or are ever ageing faces. We love our pets with all our hearts, but there has been times were you though to yourself "who's bright idea was it to get a pet". I guess before we go judging our husbands for their childlike ways, we should be looking at our old childlike ways, and do like the men do and have fun with it. Dishes can be fun, its a great way to calm down when your angry. Remember you are your toughest critic when it comes to your appearance, men love the way you look always even when you wake up in the morining, and who else will snuggle with you, even though you yelled at them for eating garbage. We spent our whole childhood dreaming about evey detail of our lives, we more often need to act like a person who is living their dreams, everyday in everysingle way!
The Cuteness of the Day:
Teaghan's First taste of a Chocolate Chip Cookie, almost looks like the cookie monster :)
Rant of the Day:
Why in the world do websites have to always be changing the way their pages are set up? and no I am not talking about Facebook, at least with Facebook they keep all the options present. I spent over 30 mins of time I didn't have trying to download a book onto my ereader. Of course I had to take the new version option and it changed my whole page around and I could not get the book loaded. 20 more min on the phone with costumer service and at the end I learn it was a simple difference of having to have ereader pluged in before signing into account because it starts syncing books right away now..... grrrr.... I just don't get why they can't just let you know that before you upload a book. I had to delate my whole account and start again..... Only good thing out of it, I did at least get my book in the end!!!
Things I could not live without today and Why:
Addison for Reminding me what all little girls dream of being a mommy!
Ella for Reminding me how much fun you can have living your childhood dreams :)
Also could not of lived without my Vacumn today, I think I used it about 8 times today in one room it was a messy kid kind of day!!
Don't forget to tune in tomorrow.......were anything can happen !!
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