Tuesday, 17 January 2012

A Rant on Today's Ways

  "Whats your problem today?" says the Kobo guy.
"Well I purchased this book,and its not in my Library. When I try to purchase it again it says "You have already purchased this book, If it is missing from your library call customer care" so I am calling you, how do I recover my book back please?"

     You would think that my politeness and very straight forward question would receive me a speedy fix. Well I talked and laughed and continued to remain polite with the customer care and he was more than polite with me, no issues, just my problem got sent onto the next tier team and they would solve it up as soon as they could. this was Thursday. I then waited for the Friday and the Saturday and nothing in my e-mail yet. Sunday night they send me an e-mail saying, take a second look at this book, the book I am trying to repurchase or re find to recover. I think its my book and I get to download it (this book is in a series I am reading) Nope its not, its just a promotional thing saying you searched this book more than once, wanna buy it, oh wait you can't you have already purchased this book and if its missing from your library contact customer care.     So I call customer care, and I truly believe in my heart that these poor people have the suckiest job in the world and that If I remain calm, I will make their day better. I remained calm, and explained it to the girl and gave her the info about the promotion email and I still cant get it, she says
"Hold in there it is being worked on on the Teir 2 level they will have a solution soon." so I tell her thank-you, and she comments on how she hopes all her calls today are from someone as understanding and nice as me, wow Thanks for the compiment but still not missing e book. I thought whatever I am already waiting for a cell phone, why not the second book in my series.
     Monday, they yet again send me another promotional e-mail with my book on it. I am getting really upset, its hard enough to wait, and now they are throwing it in my face, haha here is the book you need, and haha you can't buy it. Then I think I am the smartest person in the world, I am going to click the send this book as a gift button and send it to myself. I did this only to discover that once they email me the book it says, you have already purchased this book but you can exchange your book for store credit. I take a few breaths remind myself the guy on the other end of this phone is going to be hearing this for the first time, just stay calm walk him through it. So I call walk him through my problem and give the inccident #, so he has the info right infront of him,I told him how I sent it to myself as a gift. We laugh we talk we got figured out what the problem was. He says how sorry Kobo was and that they would be delivering that book into my library for all the trouble I have gone through with this missing book issue.
     Tuesday, they yet agian send me another promotional e-mail with my book on it. The book has not been delivered to my library, I should know seeing as I have been checking it all last night and all morning. This is where I guess my breaking point must be, I could not handle that this all has happend and still they send me this stupid promotional e-mail and still not have solved my problem. I really didn't care about the person that was coming into the phone, this was my angry phone call:

"Whats your problem today?" says the Kobo guy.
"Well I purchased this F**king book,and its not in my Library. When I try to purchase the stupid thing again it F**king says "You have already purchased this book, If it is missing from your library call customer care" so I am calling you to resolve this problem,I have already taked to your people 4 F**king times how do I recover my book back please?"

As I write this out I am even more embaressed then I was when I had to say it.
I then took a breath and gave him the inccident #. From there he says ok miss are you on the kobo page?...yes I am...go to "my library"...ok there...is the book there...No...Ok look in purchased (these are all titles above your book in your library)....ok there......is the book there...No....Ok look in the trash button...ok there and OMG the book is here...good, click the book and then hit the undelete button....awsome the book is now in my library....Is there anything eles I can help you with today miss.
 What I said next I think socked him, I said "Yes you can offer me forgiveness for cursing at you at the begining of this coversation, but you should keep in mind that I feel more embarassment for you than I do for me, I called you guys 4 times and 3 of those times were with respect and understanding, it was not unitl I called with authority the last time that you offered assistance on an issue that took less than 1 min to solve. I am sorry for the way I treated you, Have a good day. He gave me forgiveness and agreed that most of time they pass off polite customers who are still impressed with their service. They pay more attention to the ones who might give up on their product.
     I used to be a person that called for everything and gave over authority to anyone on the phone, I stopped doing that thinking to myself its not worth get worked up over you can achieve that same thing while being polite. Thank you society for once again showing me how backwards we veiw the world today. I have been proven wrong in a bad way, and I just pray that struck home with my Kobo guy and he starts to turn it around, I just pray that one person reads this blog and choose to help everyone in the same way. Life should not be about picking and choosing who gets help and who gets nothing, God sure did not give us life so we could become the judge.
   Thank you Kobo guy for all your help, I am greatful to have the book, but shamefull of what I had to do to get it :(
Life lesson learned, I will still call people and be nice, I will just make sure to tell them in a nice tone, "If my issue is not resolved in 24 hours I will be withdrawing my services, Thank you"

Stayed tuned for.............. my first Book Review of 2012 "Clockwork Prince"


  1. I can see you doing it too.....that is too funny!!!!
    Just wait until you are 7 days without the cell phone and the call that they might get.

    1. lol...I know, I know, but they said 5-10 buisness days, so I promised myself not to get mad until maybe the 12 day. Its my little personal goal!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.
